Main Features: |
Adobe Systems, Inc |
65163193 |
Adobe |
Creative Suite v.6.0 (CS6) Design Standard |
Graphics/Multimedia |
Graphics/Designing |
Creative Suite v.6.0 (CS6) Design Standard |
Work with lightning-fast creativity in Photoshop and Illustrator: Create and manage multiple layouts from one set of content in InDesign: Produce video, apps, and more without learning new software: Benefit from timesaving enhancements in Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign: Integrate with other Adobe tools and services: |
Universal English |
Intel-based Mac |
Complete Product |
Standard |
1 User |
What's new in Design Standard? Adobe® Creative Suite® 6 Design Standard software enables lightning-fast creativity thanks to massive performance boosts in both Adobe Photoshop® and Adobe Illustrator®. Tackle new design projects such as video editing with Photoshop and designing for iPads and other tablets with Adobe InDesign®. And speed up repetitive print production tasks with dozens of timesaving enhancements. |